Judge Lauds Efforts to Promote Cutting Horses

by | Mar 27, 2012 | Business

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At the Taylor County Expo Center in Abilene, Texas, Carolyn Gully was extolled by County Judge Downing Bolls for her 30 years of promoting cutting horse events. He said that from now on, she would be known as “Mrs. Cutter of West Texas.” The annual event is part of the 10-day Abilene Spectacular—now in its twentieth year—and the proclamation was made during the auction where cutting horses were for sale.

Mrs. Gully and her husband Pat began the Abilene Winter Circuit Cutting Horse Show in 1983. Originally a five-day cutting event, it has grown into an 11-day event that is always held just after Christmas. The Abilene Spectacular offers 11 non-stop days of cutting horses and their riders working together. Every year, some of the world’s best riders and cutting horses attend the competition. This year, riders came from Texas, Colorado, Georgia, Wyoming and even Brazil and Australia.

One of the riders had been riding horses and cutting for 30 years. He explained that he lived with his grandparents when he was growing up and that his grandfather was a trainer of horses. Now, said the man, he gets to wake up and do every day exactly what he wants to do: ride horses.

In addition to the cutting competition, there are several days when numerous breeders have cutting horses for sale in Texas. Interested buyers can also connect with breeders at the event and arrange to visit them at their own ranches if they are interested in purchasing cutting horses, reining horses or any other kind of ranch horses.

The Abilene Spectacular is not the only event to find cutting events and cutting horses for sale in Texas during the winter months. January will see the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show in Fort Worth, and then the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in February. Furthermore, ranches and breeders have cutting horses for sale in Texas year-round.

If you need a cutting horse or would like to look at other horses that are for sale, one of the best places to start is the Internet. Many ranches provide information and pictures of their horses online, so buyers can find horses with the characteristics they want. Once you have some horses in mind, call the ranch and schedule an appointment to take a look at the horses that are for sale.

If you’re looking for cutting horses for sale in Texas, Whitley Ranch is one of the top horse and cattle breeding operations in Southeast Texas. A producer of some of the highest quality Brangus cattle and finest bred horses around, the Whitley Ranch staff offers generations of experience, and visitors are always welcome. Call General Manager Buddy Roulston at 979.251.1215, visit us at 8853 Whitley Ranch Lane in Brenham, TX, or view our website at Website.

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