One of the many changes brought about through the years of the COVID pandemic is an increasing comfort in buying both basic and luxury items online. Consumers that previously only shopped in person are now using ecommerce sites in the India, USA and worldwide.
Changes in the Ecommerce Landscape
This has changed some of the ecommerce growth statistics in significant ways. Some of the critical stats and changes that ecommerce business owners need to know include:
- Statista reports that by 2025, just under 22% of all retail sales worldwide will be online.
- There are more than twenty-six million ecommerce sites online, with just about 50% of this total number being based in the USA.
- By next year, the global revenue from ecommerce sites is expected to top $4 trillion dollars, with Asia as the leading revenue generator, followed by North and South America and then Europe.
- While desktops and laptops are still popular for business, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets account for about 74% of traffic to ecommerce websites. In addition, one of the most important ecommerce growth statistics is that mobile devices account for 63% of purchases, with this number expected to rise.
- Search engines are used by 30% of consumers, while marketplaces are used to find products by about 36% of consumers.
- When it comes to turning shoppers into buyers, the food and beverage industry has the highest conversion rate at 4.6%.
Other interesting ecommerce growth statistics to note are that Shopify is the most used platform, with WooCommerce and Wix Stores coming in second and third for the number of ecommerce shops using their platforms.