Hiring disability lawyers in Flagstaff, AZ, can help you win your disability case. Yet, so many people don’t think hiring a lawyer is necessary. Here are some reasons why it’s a good idea to have a legal professional assisting you through the process.
Disability Lawyers Are Your #1 Advocate
Your doctor’s support matters and plays a crucial role in winning your disability case. However, often, doctors aren’t as willing to provide medical evidence as you’d like them to be. There are several reasons why doctors aren’t as helpful as you’d like. They might not understand the disability process or have personal biases about the Social Security disability program or your ability to apply for disability. Sometimes, they’re overworked and don’t have time to fill out the necessary forms and paperwork.
Although your doctor is supposed to look out for you, the truth is that sometimes doctors respond better to other professionals like lawyers. If you’ve been dealing with a reluctant doctor, hiring an attorney can help you.
Improve Your Chances of Being Approved on Appeal
Most applicants get denied when they submit their claim. When this happens, you have the right to appeal the decision in a hearing conducted before an administrative law judge (ALJ). Hiring a lawyer helps you navigate the appeals process for better outcomes. Many disability lawyers in Flagstaff, AZ, know ALJs and how they handle appeal cases. They know if certain ALJs have biases against certain medical conditions and can strategize to ensure your case is conducted in a manner that makes it more likely for you to win the appeal.
To learn more about hiring disability lawyers in Flagstaff, AZ, contact Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, at Slepian.com.