Important Information about Surrogacy Costs and Types

by | Jan 28, 2013 | Home & Family

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The price of surrogacy can fluctuate depending on what regional area you live in, and other factors. California residents can expect to pay a maximum of $33,000 in surrogate mother California fees, while residents of other states can expect to pay a maximum of about $28,000. These costs can be significantly lower, depending on what fees you will be required to pay under your surrogacy contract. Some of the fees that you will be required to pay include the surrogacy fee itself, clothing allowances, childcare, housekeeping, and attorney fees. You will also incur additional fees if the surrogate mother miscarries, if she has a C-Section, or if she has a multiple birth. The agency that you have employed to take care of the surrogacy will typically have a trust account that the prospective parents pay money into. The agency will actually write the checks off of this trust account. If the prospective parents have medical insurance that covers surrogacy fees, then they can have their total balance reduced by approximately $2,000 in most cases.

Choosing Between Traditional and Gestational Surrogacy

Before a couple decides to go through the surrogacy process to have a child, they will need to decide whether they want traditional or gestational surrogacy. With traditional surrogacy, artificial insemination is given to the surrogate mother, with the sperm of the prospective father being used. The surrogate mothers eggs are used, so she is the actual biological mother of the child. In this instance, the father can be added to the baby’s birth certificate, but the mother will have to petition the court to adopt the child as a step-child. The rules are different for every state, so you will need a good attorney who has a lot of experience in surrogacy law to complete the adoption process.

The Process of Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy is the type that is most often selected by couples, because it means that they will both be the biological parents of the child, instead of the surrogate mother being the biological mother. This process works by extracting eggs from the prospective mother and mixing them with the sperm of the father. They are then implanted in the surrogate mother through IVF. The embryo is then transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother. If all of the embryos are not used, then they can be frozen for future use if the first round of IVF is not successful. This method is more costly, but it is often preferred because the parents can file a petition in court before the baby is born to have their names listed on the birth certificate instead of having the surrogate mother listed as the mother of the child.

Creating Families has a large surrogate mother California database for prospective parents to browse through. They have been in operation for nearly thirty years.

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