You never know when your home is going to suffer water damage. Flood waters can destroy your home and property. One of the most common types of water damage involves ruptured water pipes inside your home. Other types of water damage include floods caused by rains. In addition fires in your home can also lead to water damage when the fire department extinguishes the fire.
When conducting water damage restoration in Wichita, KS it is important to know the type of water that caused the damage. This is important because each type of water will require a different cleanup technique. The different types of water include:
* Category 1 – clean water from faucets, and toilet tanks not contaminated with urine or raw sewage
* Category 2 – gray water contaminated with trace amounts of urine, or water from sinks and washing machines
* Category 3 – Black water contaminated with raw sewage, fuels, or runoff from flood waters
Clean water can be cleaned up without using any safety precautions if the cleanup is done quickly. You should take special precautionary measures when cleaning up gray water and black water. For instance, you should wear gloves, protective clothing, and covers on your shoes. In severe instances, you should also wear a protective mask over your mouth and nose.
Once the water has been cleaned up you will need to thoroughly dry out your home. Water damage restoration in Wichita, KS will include the use of industrial fans to dry out your home. You will have to remove all of your carpeting and furniture that got wet. If it hasn’t been contaminated you will be able to have the carpeting installed back in your home once it is dried out and cleaned. Your furniture will also be able to be returned to your home once everything is dried out and cleaned properly.
Don’t take chances with water damage. If your home has been flooded you should call for professional cleaning assistance. Your water restoration team will be able to get everything back to normal so that you can move back into your home as quickly as possible.