Ideas to Try to Help Prevent Your From Clenching Your Teeth at Night

by | Sep 3, 2019 | General

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If you wake up in the morning with teeth pain or pain in your jaws, then you might clench your teeth at night without realizing what you’re doing. When you clench your teeth, it can put a severe strain on your jawbone and your teeth in general, deteriorating the enamel and possibly cracking one tooth or more. When talking about clenching teeth in Tampa, FL, dentists can help with, there are a few tips that you might be given that you can try at home.

Oral Appliances

There are a few different types of mouth guards that you can wear at night that help to keep your teeth separated so that you don’t clench them. When you meet about clenching teeth in Tampa, FL, dentists assist with, this is one of the things that could be suggested that you should try. It might not completely prevent you from grinding your teeth, but it can offer protection for your teeth if you do continue to grind them.

Reduce Stress

One way that can help with clenching your teeth is to try to reduce the amount of stress that you have. You can exercise during the day to relieve anxiety, take a hot bath before going to bed, or try to practice other techniques that can relieve stress and anxiety to try to prevent you from clenching your teeth.

Going to Sleep

When you’re able to go to sleep at night instead of staying awake, then it can help with clenching your teeth. Sometimes, you might clench them if you’re thinking about too much at night or if you’re unable to sleep after drinking or eating before going to bed. Another way that you can try to get to sleep at night is by giving yourself a massage. This can help relax the muscles in your body so that they aren’t tense at night.

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