Humidity Control Systems Respond to Woodworking Industry’s SOS

by | Apr 23, 2015 | Home and Garden

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Water rings on furniture and warped wood on backyard decks are unwelcome evidence that wood and excess moisture is not a good combination. But for businesses where wood is the focus of the manufacturing efforts, too much moisture is not usually the problem. Joinery construction and other woodworking operations typically take place inside—away from the direct influences of weather. The problem with indoor temperature-controlled and air-conditioned environments is usually not too much moisture, but rather too little.

Maintaining Optimal Environmental Humidity

Regulating the humidity of the environment is one of the greatest challenges to maintaining product quality and conformity to standard in industries where wood is the raw material. Wood is naturally hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water from its environment. When the environment is moist, the wood will absorb water and swell. If the wood is joined in a fixed position or has seams, the expansion will cause warping and buckling. On the other hand, air conditioners and furnaces remove moisture from indoor air, which in turn, causes the wood in the area to become dry and shrink, resulting in gaps at joints and corners.

Additional Problems Associated with Low Humidity Environments

Besides this poor moisture stability—the bane of most woodworking industries—additional problems with an overly dry environment include the following:
 * Static electricity, which can contribute to equipment malfunction (disruption of operations), sparks (increased potential for fire), and shocks
 * Adverse health effects related to a greater susceptibility to infections due to dry nasal passages and throats (increased number of days missed due to illness)
 * Personal discomfort (reduced worker productivity and increased thermostat adjustment, contributing to higher energy costs)

Humidity Control Systems: Effective Response to Woodworking Industry’s SOS

In the woodworking industry, maintaining an acceptable level of environmental moisture, so that the wood neither swells nor shrinks, is the goal. The point at which the wood neither gains nor loses moisture—the point at which the wood exists in equilibrium with its environment—is described by the equilibrium moisture content, or EMC. The EMC changes with changes in the relative humidity and temperature of the environment, so humidity control systems must be able to respond to temperature and relative humidity changes in order to maintain the EMC.
Proper humidification—the artificial regulation of humidity—is an effective response to quality control issues related to the moisture content of wood. From storage of the raw wood to completion of the finishing details, an effective humidity control system will ensure the consistent quality and performance standards that result in satisfied clients.
Fogco, a specialist in manufacturing high pressure mist and fog systems for industrial, commercial and residential markets, will design and manufacture a humidity control system that is perfect for your unique operation.

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