Many individuals spend much of their time indoors. Being inside so much requires people to have a high- quality indoor air. When not treated properly, indoor air can become contaminated by pollutants, molds, allergens, dust, and other undesirable substances. To Maintain Indoor Air Quality you want, clean your air conditioner twice a year. Use the following guidelines to perform this job.
Start a regular routine to maintain your air conditioner. The evaporator is inside your home situated in the plenum above the furnace. The condenser is outside your home on a flat surface. Before you start this job, make sure to disconnect the power at the main entrance panel. There are two switches that control the air conditioner. Turn both of them off. Don’t perform upkeep when it’s raining, snowing, sleeting, or lightning.
To clean your evaporator, first remove insulation covering the plenum. Be careful not to damage the adhesive holding the insulation in place as you will have to replace it later. Unscrew the access plate of the plenum. Pull the evaporator forward as far as you can. It may have pipes attached to it in the back. Don’t damage any of these pipes or disconnect them. Using a stiff brush, clean all sides of the evaporator. You can use a large mirror to view the backside as you clean it. Make sure you scrub the condensation tray beneath the evaporator with bleach and water. Replace the evaporator, access plate, and insulation.
Next, clean the condenser. Remove foliage and other material from the area surrounding the condenser. A commercial coil cleaner can be used to flush the coil clean. Remove grime from the fins of the condenser using a soft brush. Place them on a flat surface for this task. Straighten bent fins with a fin comb. You can use a carpenter’s level to ensure that the condenser is in a correct position.
After cleaning the evaporator and condenser, you should have enhanced airflow. This will allow the AC unit to perform better. Being able to Maintain Indoor Air Quality you need is beneficial for the health of household occupants. For more information on air conditioning services, please talk to a professional at Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. This business can handle repairs, maintenance, and installation for residential and commercial customers.
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