How To Find The Right Mechanic For You

by | Mar 6, 2013 | Automotive

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When you buy a car, you know what you are looking for in terms of features, price and performance. Another thing to keep in mind is ongoing service and repair. Knowing that you have a good, qualified person or shop to work on your car and keep it running its best for as long as you own it is just as important as any other aspect of your new vehicle. There are many great mechanics in Tempe and you can easily find the right one for you with a little bit of diligence and effort.

The first thing to assess for any auto repair shop or individual is whether or not they have Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. This is the primary certification for auto mechanics Tempe and will tell you whether they are properly trained and professional or not. Next, you should identify any other affiliations they may have. Organizations such as AAA, the Better Business Bureau or even a local chamber of commerce can point to a certain level of credibility in overall business of the mechanic’s shop.

After you have ascertained that a certain mechanic is ASE certified and has other professional affiliations, getting references from people you know is a good next step. When checking references, you should also look online for “anonymous” reviews or references. Sometimes you need to take some of these with a grain of salt as some people simply like to use such a forum to “vent” but you can usually discern those that are credible and those that are not (whether or not they are favorable toward the auto repair shop). Also, when asking for references or reading reviews online, pay special attention to those from people with the same or similar types of vehicles as yours.

As your list of potential mechanics in Tempe narrows, you will want to visit some shops and check out their operations. Are the shops generally neat and organized? Do they appear to be run efficiently? What is their customer service like when you first walk in the door? All of these things will be signs for you as to how you will be treated as an actual customer in their shop. Finally, price and location or overall convenience should be factored in as well. Be careful not to always just select the lowest price but a price that is fair and balanced with the other factors in mind. A location that works for you is a logistic that can make a big difference and should also be considered relative to the other elements.

When you check out various mechanics in Tempe with these things in mind, you will no doubt find the right one for you and your car.

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