One of the most popular ways to eat lobster is steamed. Instead of going to a restaurant to get steamed lobster in Boston, consider a few tips for making your own at home. To prepare this seafood delicacy, you need to find a lobster that’s freshly caught.
Choosing and Storing
Larger lobsters yielding tougher meat is a myth, as the meat of a 10-pounder can be as sweet and tender as that of a 1-pounder. When steamed lobster in Boston is tough, overcooking is usually the culprit. Try to get lobsters that are locally caught, rather than those that are shipped to coastal areas with claims of freshness, because they often have the best flavor. Choose one that’s the right size for the pot you plan to use. Keep your lobster in a paper bag that stays open or a box that has holes so that the crustacean can breathe until it’s cooked. It’s best to use the lobster within 24 hours after you purchase it.
Humane Options
Scientists are still debating whether a lobster can feel pain, but why not end its life as gently as possible? To kill the lobster humanely, you can place it in the freezer for an hour. Another method is to place it in a pot in your kitchen sink and fill the pot with tap water, gradually raising the temperature from cold to very hot. This will numb the lobster, which you can then kill by swiftly cutting down right behind the eyes to sever the spinal cord.
Using a Rack for Steaming
The rack in the pot and the amount of water you use are what make the difference between a steamed lobster and one that is simply boiled. To steam, place a rack in a pot with 1-2 inches of water at the bottom, seasoned with salt or seaweed. Heat the water with the lid on the pot until you see heavy steam, then place the lobster in the pot, leading with the head and claws, and replace the lid. Steam for about 10 minutes per pound, until the lobster turns bright red and its meat is opaque white. For more information, contact Boston & Maine Fish Company.
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