An automobile is one of the largest investments that a person will make during their lifetime. When they purchase a vehicle, they expect the car or truck that they select will operate efficiently. It can be extremely frustrating for a consumer to purchase an automobile to only have it in an auto shop more than on the road. The Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act was enacted across the nation to protect consumers from becoming a victim of purchasing a defective automobile. If you are a resident of Florida the Lemon Law was created to help people receive relief if their car or truck falls under the definition of being a defective auto.
Responsibility of a Manufacturer
The company that manufacturers an automobile is responsible for providing consumers with a warranty on a new or used vehicle they purchase. The law requires the manufacturer to make every attempt to repair the problem with the auto within a reasonable amount of time. If they are unable to fix the issue, it is their duty to either replace or repurchase the automobile from the customer in order to take the hardship of the consumer. They can also be responsible for reimbursing the individual for any fees, taxes, and interest that the consumer has paid out.
Consult with an Experienced Attorney Today
If you feel that you have been a victim of a defective product consider contacting a trusted attorney firm that specializes in lemon law claims. Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® has over 21 years of experience in handling claims against manufacturers for faulty products. They will work with you to determine if you have a claim and assist you in providing notification to the company of the issue with your automobile. If a legal case needs to be filed, they will work with you ever step of the way to help you successfully win your claim. to get a free consultation with an experienced Lemon Law attorney.