Being charged with a criminal offense is usually a life-changing event for the defendant in so many different ways. Dealing with arresting officers, posting bail or bond, preparing a defense against the charges: these are all things defendants have questions and concerns about, and they can’t find the answers themselves. That is why it is crucial to work with a reputable and experienced criminal defense law attorney in St. Charles, MO.
What kinds of criminal offenses do defense attorneys handle?
The range of criminal charges a defense attorney defends clients for range from misdemeanors to drunk-driving arrests, arrest for possession of illegal substances and felonies. Criminal defense attorneys are experienced in handling cases in which a homeowner has been charged because their dog bit another person, or even if defendants have been the victims of an assault themselves. A criminal defense attorney knows how to ensure that the actual perpetrator is correctly charged. Someone who has been falsely accused of a crime in particular needs an experienced criminal defense attorney’s help in proving that the crime didn’t occur as claimed.
How can a criminal defense attorney help during the pre-trial phase?
There are a number of good reasons to consider hiring a criminal defense attorney even before charges have been filed. When a defendant is questioned by authorities, the guidance offered by an attorney before the questioning can help ensure the defendant doesn’t inadvertently divulge information that shouldn’t be shared. A criminal defense attorney knows how to determine whether the probable cause for a defendant’s arrest is valid and bring up that challenge in court. If a defendant’s guilt in a crime is obvious, a criminal defense attorney can work to negotiate a plea bargain agreement to reduce a sentence.
What does a criminal defense attorney do during a trial?
The tasks a criminal defense attorney handles during a trial are numerous. Devising a defense strategy, gathering and questioning witnesses, and participating in jury selection are just some of the important jobs an attorney does. Defense attorneys work with defendants throughout the trial and even after it’s over if appeals are planned. Schedule an appointment with the lawyers of Niedner Law, criminal defense law attorney in St. Charles, MO for experienced help when defending against criminal charges.