Wisconsin requires all drivers to maintain liability insurance on all vehicles that are registered in their name. The liability insurance must provide at least $10,000 for any property damage sustained, $25,000 for each person injured, and $50,000 for any accidents that involved more than one victim. Anyone who is involved in an accident that fails to comply with this requirement is subject to the full penalty assigned for non-compliance in the state.
Automobile Accidents and Litigation
Any victim who sustains an injury in Wisconsin due to an automobile accident has the right to seek monetary damages through personal injury lawyers in Hartford, WI. The settlement value is calculated by valuating the medical costs and automobile repair requires based on three estimates. The victim may seek these damages by filing a claim through his or her insurance provider. They may also file a claim through the at-fault driver’s insurance policy to acquire these funds. When it is discovered that the at-fault driver is uninsured, litigation is necessary to obtain monetary damages.
Penalties for Non-compliance
Any driver who is involved in an accident in which it is discovered that he or she failed to comply with Wisconsin automobile requirements is assigned penalties. These penalties require a fine of up $500 for lack of insurance when the driver is stopped for another driving violation. If he or she is involved in an accident, an additional $10 fine is assigned in fines. If at any time that the proof of insurance is deemed fraudulent, the driver is subject to penalties of up to $5,000.
DUI-related Accidents
An accident in which injuries are produced that involved a DUI charge can result in penalties that include those based on the number of previous convictions. Non-compliance with insurance requirements adds additional fines and penalties. If a fatality occurs, the driver is charged with at least involuntary manslaughter. However, further charges are assigned after intent is established. Any victim of a DUI-related accident can seek monetary damages through personal injury lawyers in Hartford, WI. Visit website for more information.