The state of Mississippi adheres to a five-year look back ruling for DUI charges. This implies that any offender, who incurs additional charges, receives penalties based on the previous number of convictions within this duration. Under Mississippi law, any driver who chooses to drive with a blood-alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher is guilty of DUI. Any driver facing a DUI charge should contact Criminal Attorneys in Hattiesburg MS to represent them.
Penalties for DUI in Mississippi
The first DUI offense requires up to forty-eight hours in county lockup. The fines for a first offense range between $250 to $1,000. The offender’s license is suspended for ninety days.
The second offense incurs a jail sentence that begins at five days with a maximum of one year. Required fines are between $600 and $1,500. The license suspension period is two years. The court-ordered ignition-interlocking device is required for this and all additional convictions within the look back period.
Any driver who receives a third DUI conviction is subject to a one to five-year jail sentence. Their fines range from $2,000 to $5,000. The license suspension period is five years. Any further convictions are classified as felonies and subject to potential prison sentences.
Refusal to Submit to Testing
Drivers who refuse to submit to chemical testing are subject to immediate penalties. The first offense incurs a license suspension of ninety days. Any driver who is convicted after refusing to submit to testing and does not comply with testing requirements a second time their license is suspended for one year. Any further refusals also incur one-year suspensions.
The only way that a license suspension is waived is if the individual can prove the probability of a hardship. The only reasons that present a hardship are if the suspension prevents the individual from working, attending school, or receiving medical care. Medical reasons include treatments for life-threatening conditions. For more information visit law firm.
Further Convictions
When a DUI results in a fatality, the court reserves the right to apply further charges. Among the most common, charge is involuntary manslaughter. However, if intent is discovered this charge could be increased to voluntary manslaughter or vehicular homicide. Any driver facing these charges can hire Criminal Attorneys in Hattiesburg MS by Contacting T. Michael Reed.