Hiring A Disability And Social Security Lawyer In Fort Worth, TX

by | Feb 10, 2014 | Disability Benefits

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A disability and social security lawyer in Fort Worth TX assists you in acquiring necessary benefits that provide you with a clear avenue to help you support yourself and your family after sustaining a disabling injury. The key to an effective claim is detailed medical evidence that provides a starting date for your injury and elaborates on how deeply this injury affects your life. This evidence should describe why you are unable to work and support your family without these benefits. To discuss disability claims with an attorney today contact Joy NeSmith, Attorney at Law.

How Social Security Disability Benefits Work

After your claim is submitted and approved by the Social Security Administration or a judge, you receive a settlement based on the amount of time that has passed between the time the disability began and the date of the approval. This settlement equates to the overall balance of monthly payments that you would have received during this time period. After the initial settlement, you receive monthly benefit payments based on the allowed Supplemental Security Income structure devised by the SSA.

Local Disability Lawyer

Joy Nesmith, Attorney at Law, assists you in filing a claim to receive disability benefits. This attorney compiles a claim full of detailed medical evidence that presents the court with vital information related to your disability. This information presents the starting date and how detrimentally the disability has affected your life and ability to financially support your family. With this claim, this attorney fights for your rights to disability benefits and assists you in receiving a settlement along with monthly benefits. To hire an attorney to represent you call this law firm at their local number listed in their website at Joynesmith.com.


Your disability and social security lawyer in Fort Worth TX provides you with effective claims to acquire disability benefits. The process for filing a claim requires that you compile evidence that presents vital facts about your disability. This includes a starting date and how it began if it is related to an injury. Your attorney assists you in presenting this evidence in an effective manner to the judge for consideration. To fully discuss your claim with an attorney contact Joy Nesmith today.

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