For many men, divorce comes as a surprise. They are suddenly faced with unexpected financial obligations, debt, and raw emotions. It can seem like everything that’s important in his life is at stake.
The last thing most men want to do is to hurt their children. They may or may not want to end their marriage, but regardless, they want what is fair. For a man who genuinely loves his children, being able to have an active part in his child’s life is his number one priority.
Sometimes wives don’t realize how important fathers are in their children’s lives. Even if they do they might interfere with that relationship out of spite. Working with a Denver family law lawyer who understands men’s rights and wants to help fathers, especially those who have custody issues, can be beneficial.
Many of today’s divorce laws were created during a time when it was expected that the husband would be the primary breadwinner in the family and the wife would be primarily responsible for the children. Society has changed, but some of the laws have yet to be updated. Today, men are more involved in the lives of their children but the court system doesn’t always reflect that.
Luckily, this is changing, but divorce laws can still be unfair to men. While they are battling with internal emotional struggles and feelings of failure, men in the midst of divorce are also concerned about losing everything they have worked for.
Even the laws that were meant to be well-intended might favor women when it comes to division of assets and property and child custody. Income acquired by a man during his marriage might be divided 50-50 between him and his wife even if that is unfair. The 50-50 rule could apply even if the wife was unfaithful or was the one who wanted to end the marriage for no valid reason. Denver family law lawyers may be able to help their clients get the fair treatment they deserve.