Harassed at Work? Read These FAQs Before You Contact Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Worcester MA to Defend your Rights

by | Jun 27, 2015 | Lawyers

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What you don’t know about sexual harassment in the workplace can hurt you. These are some of the most frequently asked questions about harassment that can help you understand whether you need to contact sexual harassment attorneys in Worcester, MA to protect your rights.

Do the laws against sexual harassment apply to all employers?

No. The law that protects workers is the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It only applies to state and federal governments and private sector employers that have at least 15 employees.

What kind of conduct is considered sexual harassment?

Any behavior that is unwelcome and effects the victim’s employment status or creates a hostile work environment can be considered sexual harassment if it is directed at someone because of their gender. This can include sexual advances, comments, nonverbal gestures and graphic images posted in the office.

Who can be a harasser?

Anyone can perpetrate sexual harassment and anyone can be a victim. The gender of the harasser or the victim is irrelevant in determining liability. Victims may be harassed by their bosses, coworkers or people who don’t even work for the company but do business there on a regular basis.
What can an employee do if they are a victim of harassment?

The first step is to ask the harasser to stop. If they weren’t aware they were offending you, they may stop with no further incidents. However, if you are too uncomfortable to talk to the person alone, bring a member of the management team into the conversation. Be sure to keep notes regarding the dates and times of reports that you make and copies of anything you submit in writing.

How can a lawyer help?

If you have been unable to get the harasser to stop their offensive behavior or you lost your job after reporting the harassment, Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Worcester MA can help you file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC will investigate your claim and recommend a remedy. If you file your claim with the EEOC without the assistance of a lawyer and receive a Right to Sue letter, be sure to contact Michael O. Shea Law Office to discuss your rights and how you want to proceed.

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