From Brushing To Dentistry in Salem, Teach Your Kids Good Oral Hygiene

by | Feb 12, 2020 | Dental Health

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There is more to helping your child take care of their teeth than visiting the pediatric dentistry in Salem, OR. You also need to make sure they are eating right and cleaning their teeth. Use the following tips to encourage your child to practice good oral hygiene.

Brushing Their Teeth

Sometimes, getting your child to brush their teeth is easier said than done. They should brush once or twice a day for two minutes per session. Why not make brushing a fun activity for your child? Let them choose a toothbrush in their favorite color or character, and play their favorite two-minute song as they brush their teeth.

Eating Healthier Snacks

It is best to serve your child healthier snacks instead of sugary or salty snacks. Trade in the cookies, candy and potato chips for fruit, vegetables and cheese. You should only give them sugary and salty snacks in moderation. Regardless of your snack choices, make sure they are brushing their teeth once or twice a day.

Lead By Example

The best way to encourage good oral hygiene in your child is to lead by example. You should be eating healthier snacks and brushing your teeth as well. It is also important to keep up with your own dentist appointments, as this shows your child how important it is to visit the pediatric dentistry in Salem, OR.

When you are ready to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentistry in Salem, OR, consider Idylwood Dental, LLC. You can learn more about this dentistry by visiting

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