Frequently Asked Questions About The Benefits Of A Chain Link Fence In Williamsport

by | Feb 16, 2015 | Business

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There are many types of residential fences available and one of the most popular and versatile types of fencing material is chain link. When you contact a company that specializes in the installation of chain link fence in Williamsport, you’ll have a dependable fence that will last for years. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn about the benefits of a chain link fence.

Q.) Why are chain link fences beneficial to homeowners?

A.) Many homeowners have a chain link fence installed in their back yard as a security measure for children and pets. The fences are built high enough so that children can’t climb over and dogs can’t jump over the top of the fence. The fence rests on the ground so children and pets can’t go underneath the fence either. You’ll know that your children and pets are safe when you have a company install your chain link fence in Williamsport.

Q.) Are chain link fences difficult to maintain and are they durable?

A.) Once a company installs your chain link fence in Williamsport, you’ll have a fence on your property that’s maintenance free. You’ll never have to paint your fence or worry about insect damage. Rain won’t degrade your fence and it won’t fade or deteriorate from the rays of the sun. A chain link fence can last up to 20 years and most fences come with a manufacturer warranty.

Q.) Are there different types of chain link fences available?

A.) When selecting your chain link fence, you can choose from various gauges and mesh sizes. The gauge of the fence refers to the diameter and the sturdiness of the wire. The mesh size is the amount of space that’s between the diagonals of the wire. You can also choose to purchase a vinyl coated chain link fence and these are available in various colors such as white, black or green. When you’re ready to purchase your fence, you can choose your options before having a company install your chain link fence in Williamsport.

Rutkoski Fencing Inc. is an experienced company that offers various types of fencing materials including vinyl, wood, chain link, ornamental and woven wire. In addition to supplying the products, this company will also professionally install your fence at your home or business. Visit their website to view their gallery photos and to contact the company for your next fencing project.

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