Finding Better Rates for Comprehensive Auto Insurance in Denver, CO

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Insurance

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Approximately 2 million car insurance claims are filed annually in the United States due to collisions with animals. About two-thirds of these claims involve hitting a deer. Vehicle owners who are wondering whether to drop their comprehensive coverage should consider that type of risk. If their goal is to pay less for premiums, an independent auto insurance company in Denver, CO, and Indianapolis, IN, offices may be able to help.

Bundling Policies

One way to reduce premiums is to bundle car insurance with homeowners insurance coverage in Indianapolis, IN, and Denver, CO. Providers naturally want to gain as much business as possible, and making this offer entices more customers. If the individual owns residential real estate and wouldn’t mind switching providers, this could be a way to save money while keeping the comprehensive coverage.

About Comprehensive Insurance

In addition to paying after collisions with wildlife, comprehensive coverage is intended for several other potential issues. This portion of the policy from an auto insurance company in Denver, CO, is responsible when harm is caused by weather incidents and vandalism.

It also pays for repair work if the vehicle is stolen and later recovered in damaged condition. If the vehicle is never found, comprehensive coverage pays the policyholder its market value at the time of the theft.

A Sensible Decision

For all of these reasons, keeping comprehensive coverage and bundling it with homeowners insurance coverage in Indianapolis, IN, is a sensible decision. Contact information for The Thompson Group independent agency can be found today.

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