Finding Bankruptcy Attorneys in Topeka, KS

by | Nov 4, 2014 | Lawyers

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If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you may feel a little bit overwhelmed at the options you have. There are quite a few different chapters of bankruptcy you can file under, and it depends on a variety of elements. In order to get the results you’re looking for and to be able to successfully file, you’re going to want the help of one of the Attorneys in Topeka KS. They’ll be able to help you with the following things for your case:

Determining the Correct Chapter

If you own a business, you’re not going to file under the same chapter as someone who does not have a business. Chapter 7 and 13 are the main chapters for individuals, and which one you choose will be determined by your income.

Filing the Paperwork

Once you have decided on the chapter, your attorney will help you with all of the initial paperwork. They’re going to ensure everything is done correctly and filed with the court in a timely manner so you don’t have to worry about your case being dismissed because of a small error in the paperwork.

Halting Foreclosure or Repossession

Your lawyer will put a stop to any foreclosure or repossession until the case is completed. In many cases, filing for bankruptcy may allow you to keep your home or your primary vehicle. In some cases, you may be able to keep all of your assets.

Handle Debt Collectors

After filing for bankruptcy, your creditors will need to call your attorney. They will not be able to call you any longer. This means that they will not be calling your home any more during the day, so your home can once again be peaceful and quiet.

If you’re in debt, and you can’t see a way out of it, contact one of the Attorneys in Topeka KS, today. They’ll be able to help you with every step of the bankruptcy process so you can feel secure that you’re going to be able to successfully complete the bankruptcy and rid yourself of the debts you owe. For more questions or more information on bankruptcy, visit Website Domain today.

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