When you decide that you are going to move away to attend college, it can be a very exciting time. However, there are still a few things that must be taken care of before you do. One of those things is figuring out where you are going to live. While just studying on campus seems like the smartest decision, any alumni will tell you that living in student apartments near the University of South Carolina is definitely the way to go.
Better Roommates
When you live in a dorm, you end up with whoever the college puts in the same room with you. There is no scientific method to it; you just get whoever you get. This can lead to uncomfortable and awkward living situations. However, when you live in your own apartment, you can choose whoever you want to live with or even live by yourself if you can afford the extra rent. There are also professional college roommate matching services that match people by background and interests.
Bigger Bedrooms
The bedrooms in a student apartment are considerably bigger than what you may (or may not) receive in a dormitory. In fact, in most dorm rooms, you actually sleep in the same room by sharing a bunk bed.
More Living Space
With student apartments near the University of South Carolina, you get more space in general. From your own bedroom to an actual living room and even a full-sized kitchen, you’ll be much more at home than you would be in a dormitory.
To view available apartments, please contact Alight Columbia at https://alight-columbia.com/