If you have children under the age of 18 you need to consider an Estate Planning Lawyer in Rockford, Il. A big mistake that parents make is in thinking that since they only rent or perhaps only own a small home, they do not need to make a will or trust for when they die. Perhaps your personal materials do not add up to much, but having a plan for your child in the case of your death needs to be written up in a legal document. This will help in deciding on what you have determined for your family in the best interests of your child or children.
It is certainly true that your greatest asset is your children and taking care of them after you are deceased is a top priority. There are bound to be other parts of your estate that need legal recognition when you think about what may happen to them if you were to stop living. Before you see a lawyer take inventory over your assets and determine what price could be attached if you had to sell them today.
Before you make an appointment with an Estate Planning Lawyer in Rockford, Il, there are several ways to take inventory of your possessions and add a value to them. Everything from the car you drive, the place you live, the bed you sleep in should have a destination if you have any interests in passing them down to the next generation or possibly giving it to someone in your family currently. If you can put a label on your items, so to speak, it will save your friends and family from having to guess what you would want done with them.
It is never too early to start your planning. On the outset make considerations for your larger estate items and wait for the smaller stuff that can easily be worked out if you are not there to help in the decision making process.
Knowing that you have taken care of your family by letting them know what you wanted before you pass away will show them that you cared enough to plan for their future as well as your own. Visit Crosby Law Firm website.