When a scouting group wishes to help clean up the streets of their town, they may decide to host a cleanup day to accomplish this task. There are several steps the scout leader can take to ensure this activity is a success. Here are some tips a leader can use to set up the process so scouts can collect materials to be collected for a waste disposal service.
Call To Have Dumpsters Delivered
It is a good idea to have a waste disposal service drop off a dumpster for refuse as well as one for container recycling to use for the project. These can be set up in an area at the scout meeting place, so those participating will have easy access to a spot for collection of garbage found on the street.
Give Out Materials For Collection
Each scout should be provided with a pair of heavy-duty gloves and several trash bags for the collection process. The gloves should be worn at all times refuse is handled. Giving scouts two different colored bags will allow them to separate household trash from recyclable materials. If desired, have each scout label their bags with their name so they can keep track of how much refuse they collect during the activity.
Meet At The Dumpsters To Count Bags
Ask each Scout to place their collected trash inside of the dumpsters that were rented. They can count the bags they add to the pile to see what their contribution to the town is after a day of waste collection. If desired, a prize can be given out to the top collectors. This is a fun activity after a hard day of collecting trash for removal.
When there is a need to find a waste disposal service that also handles container recycling, contacting a company that provides dumpsters and enclosures for waste collection will be necessary. Take a look at a website like Website.com to find out more about the different services they provide to their customers. A call can be made to the company to discuss pricing. A dumpster delivery can then be scheduled if desired. You can also connect them on Facebook.