Do You Have Varicose Veins? The Causes and Treatment of Varicose Veins

by | Aug 16, 2019 | Health

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What are varicose veins? You’ve seen them. You may even have them. They are the ropy, enlarged veins that pop out near the surface of your legs. Basically, anything that increases the pressure in the legs, such as pregnancy, being overweight, standing for hours at a time, causes increased pressure in the veins. After years, the valves in the veins collapse and the veins widen and twist. Heredity plays a part, as does menopause and age. They may not cause any symptoms, but usually people report aching, heaviness or even itching in the area. They can also cause the legs to swell and the skin to darken.

So what can be done about them? There are simple treatments such as exercise, weight loss, wearing compression stockings and elevation of the legs. These relieve some of the discomfort, but they do not get rid of the problem. Small to medium veins can be treated with sclerotherapy, a procedure in which the doctor injects a solution or foam into the vein. This causes scarring of the vein, which closes it.

On the other hand, larger veins require more invasive techniques. There are three types of varicose veins surgery. In the catheter-assisted procedure, a catheter is inserted deep into the vein. The tip of the catheter is heated and then slowly drawn back, destroying the vein as it is removed. In the high ligation and vein stripping, the vein is tied off high in the leg and then removed through small incisions made along its course. In addition, foam sclerotherapy has been developed for larger veins and is very effective if done by a skilled surgeon. If left alone, the circulation problems can cause skin ulcers and blood clots. In Campbell, contact varicose veins surgery experts to help with your varicose veins. We can find a solution to your problem together.

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