Difference between Cold Rolled and Hot Rolled Steel

by | Jul 18, 2016 | Business

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Customers oftentimes inquire about the differences between cold rolled steel and Hot Rolled Steel in Edmonton. There will include some basic differences between the two kinds of metal. Those differences associate with the ways the metals are processed in the mill, and not the grade or product specification.

Hot Rolled

Hot rolling includes a mill process involving rolling the steel at a very high temperature, which is above and beyond the steel’s re-crystallization temperature. As steel is above and beyond the re-crystallization temperature, it may be easily formed and shaped, and the steel may be made in larger sizes. Typically, hot rolled steel is less expensive than cold rolled steel because of the truth that it often is made without any delays within the process, and thereby the re-heating of the steel isn’t required. As the steel cools down it’ll slightly shrink, thereby offering less control on the shape and size of the finished product compared with cold rolled.

Uses: Hot rolled items such as hot rolled steel bars are utilized in the construction and welding trades to make I-beams and railroad tracks, for instance. Hot Rolled Steel in Edmonton is utilized in situations in which precise tolerances and shapes aren’t required.

Cold Rolled

Essentially, cold rolled steel is hot rolled steel which had further processing. It’s further processed in cool reduction mills, in which the material is cooled, followed by annealing or tempers rolling. The process produces steel that has closer dimensional tolerances as well as broad array of surface finishes. The word Cold Rolled mistakenly is used on every product, when really the name will refer to the rolling of flat rolled sheet, as well as coil products.

For more information on our Hot Rolled Steel in Edmonton, contact Maximum Metals Ltd. today at 1 (780) 725 9042.

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