Sometimes people make the mistake of ignoring their dental health. This can cause loss of teeth, a diminished appearance, and a deterioration of a person’s overall health since dental health is closely connected to the health of the rest of the body. To keep this from happening, it’s essential to find a dentist such as the ones at Aikahi Dental who can handle such aspects of Dentistry in Kailua as root canals, fillings, teeth whitening, dental diseases, and general examinations.
Dentistry involves more than just the teeth and gums. It involves the areas surrounding the mouth and areas below the gumline. During a initial and subsequent visits with a dentist, the dentist will look for signs of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity. The oral cavity includes the lips, gingivae (gums), retromolar trigone, teeth, hard palate, cheek mucosa, tongue, and bottom of the mouth. Since this cavity is the first part of the digestive tube, it’s essential to keep a person’s dental health at optimal levels. A dentist will perform treatments to solve these problems and try to prevent existing problems from advancing. He will also take steps to prevent problems from occurring by identifying signs that are indicative of potential dental problems.
A dentist often works in conjunction with a team of specialists to deliver the most comprehensive services to dental patients. Some of these health care practitioners include dental assistants, dental hygienists, and dental technicians. A dentist will work with advanced equipment designed to assist a dentist provide oral care without harming a patient. Sometimes a dentist will order x-rays to get a better view of the internal parts of a patient’s mouth. These radiographs are designed to ensure that the radiation exposure is As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
Dentistry first concerns itself with the health of a person’s teeth, gum, and other parts of the mouth. However, some people seek cosmetic dentisry to enhance their looks. This type of dentistry uses dental apparatuses to make a person’s teeth whiter, brighter, and more even in appearance. General dentistry and cosmetic dentistry are used for people to achieve a better quality of life.