Custom Swimming Pools: Three Design Tips to Make the Backyard Better

by | Sep 24, 2015 | Swimming Pool Contractor

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When attempting to enhance the yard, countless home owners choose to add a custom pool that will fit nicely in the open space. Careful considerations need to be made with this pool, however. Custom Swimming Pools can make the backyard better, but three design tips need to be implemented before that can happen.

The Shape of the Pool Should Match the Shape of the Space
In order to provide symmetry to the yard, the shape of the pool should match the shape of the space around it. Adding a circular pool to the yard while the other side is more of a rectangular shape will take away from the overall look. It may seem off-balance. With a rectangular pool on one side and a rectangular section of lawn on the other, the yard will have a line of symmetry that catches the eye.

Leave Room for Decks or Pathways
Most yards do not have a pool surrounded by grass or dirt. Instead, a deck or pathway surrounds it. This draws attention to the pool, and also provides a safety measure, as there is the space between the water and the area where children and animals often play.

Don’t Make the Pool Too Big or Too Small
A pool that is large in size will take up the majority of the backyard. This doesn’t leave any room for other activities. A pool that is small in size is not ideal either, as it may not be large enough to accommodate any guests in the future. It is best to choose a pool that fills enough space, yet doesn’t take up all the room entirely.

Custom Swimming Pools can be designed in any way a person sees fits. With these design tips in mind, however, home owners can create a pool that suits their needs and looks aesthetically pleasing to themselves and their guests. The design of the pool is not the only consideration to make either. Whether to use chemicals or have a natural pool is also a choice to make. explains more about natural pool options and provides further information about pool design and creation.

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