A Disability Lawyer Richmond files appeals for disabled individuals who are denied social security benefits. The attorney places the claim under review and determines whether the evidence provided in the original claim was sufficient to deem the individual eligible for these benefits. In these cases, it is necessary to establish eligibility first based on the physical or mental condition of the client. Once eligibility is established the attorney processes with the appeal process or refiles a claim for benefits. To learn more about eligibility, contact Krumbein and Associates.
Understanding Inconsistencies in Your Claim
Inconsistencies within a disability claim include the lack of starting date for when your disability began, records of treatment, and records that establish the diagnosis. Your attorney will review the claim and your records to establish whether you need more evidence to support your disability claim. You have the right to obtain your medical records at any time. However, if you wish to give your attorney to collect them on your behalf he or she will require a release form to submit to all doctors who treated you for this condition.
Local Disability Attorney
Krumbein and Associates provide assistance with disability and bankruptcy claims. They initiate the appeal process for individuals who are eligible for social security disability benefits. Through this law office, you can also file for bankruptcy and receive legal assistance when a collection agency takes legal action against you. These attorneys will advise you through these processes to protect your interests. If you need a disability, bankruptcy, or litigation attorney contact this law firm immediately or Click here to visit their website.
Your Disability Lawyer Richmond provides you with assistance in receiving the benefits that you deserve. The process begins with a re-evaluation of your original claim submitted to the SSA. The attorney determines whether any inconsistencies existed within your previous claim and devises strategies to refile this claim to successfully. This includes gathering vital evidence that proves the nature of the condition and how it affects your ability to work. To discover more about inconsistent claims and how to improve your chances of receiving disability benefits.