There are so many aspects to relocating a business. Advertising campaigns, so customers will be well aware of the new location have to begin prior to the actual moving date. Suppliers have to be notified in advance, inventory has to be reduced as much as possible, and planning the schedules for employees has to be done to cover the extra work of setting up displays. It is exciting but overwhelming at the same time.
The Physical Process
Packing up all the equipment or displays, moving all the furniture, and making sure all the items reach the destination in one piece can be nerve racking. Arranging the transportation, unpacking everything, and ensuring nothing is missed or left behind takes a lot of time and effort.
Rather than doing any part of that, seek an experienced company that can take care of all the aspects of Commercial Moving Services in Naples FL. A complete package will save the business both time and money. It will also eliminate stress for the owner. Pad and shrink-wrapping are offered to protect items while being moved.
If the owner wishes to do the packing or unpacking, transportation only is also available. The Commercial Moving Services in Naples FL can be altered to accommodate any needs or budget constraints. Any sized business can benefit from professional moving assistance. No job is too small or too large, and custom solutions can be developed for any circumstances.
Storage Available
Storage at a climate-controlled facility is available for any short-term needs. If the business has to be out of the current location on one date, but cannot move into the new location for another few weeks, storage is convenient and cost-effective. Some inventory can be stored while the bulk of the merchandise is being set out on new display shelves.
Setting up the new location and getting everything ready for a grand opening may have to be completed in stages. That will go quicker if the staff does not have to move around pallets of items that will not be added until next week. Business owners can click here for details on storage space sizes and pricing.