No one likes to see a foot doctor until it’s necessary. Instead of hoping for a foot issue to resolve on its own, it’s recommended to see a podiatrist for professional help. The following are signs it’s time to see a foot doctor.
1. Heel Pain
It’s time to see a foot doctor if you experience continuous heel pain. A doctor can assess your heel and take x-rays to identify the main issue causing the pain and alleviate it. They can also recommend ways to avoid future occurrences.
2. Sudden Numbness and Swelling
Besides heel pain, you should see a foot doctor if you experience sudden numbness and swelling in one foot or both feet. The numbness and swelling could be a result of many factors. Your foot doctor in Chatham can identify the root cause and eliminate it.
3. Diabetic Condition
People with diabetes type 1 and 2 are at a high risk of having foot problems. That said, you should see a foot doctor if you have a diabetic condition. Your doctor can examine your feet and provide recommendations to help prevent potential issues.
4. Nail Fungus
Fungal infection is a common foot issue affecting many people. If left untreated, it can cause nail discoloration and spread to other toenails. You should see a foot doctor in Chatham for medical help if you have nail fungus.
Call for More Details
Mitchell Foot & Ankle is a reputable facility providing comprehensive foot and ankle care. They offer high-quality services and accept many healthcare insurance plans. Contact Mitchell Foot & Ankle today.