Choosing the Right Lubricant Additive for The Machinery Used

by | Apr 19, 2022 | Business

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Lubrication is one of the most important things when it comes to the proper function of machinery. If the machinery is not properly lubricated, it can cause components to fail and even shorten the lifespan of the equipment. There are several different lubricant additives that can help machines run better.

What Do Additives Do?

Additives help to enhance the base oil properties of the lubricant. These may include antioxidants, anti-foam agents, demulsifying agents, and corrosion inhibitors. These lubricant additives help to make the lubricant work more effectively with the machinery. The additives enhance the functionality of materials such as detergents, tackiness agents, and even metal deactivators. They can also help to do away with base oil properties that may be undesirable.

Choosing Quality

Since there are so many additives in the market today, it can be hard to choose which products are the best. A business owner does not want to go with the cheapest additives on the market as they may not be efficient and could even lead to the breakdown of the machinery. Finding top-rated and high-quality additives is key to ensuring that machinery runs well and has a longer lifespan. Some machines will require specialized lubricant additives depending on the application, and it is important to not just run any oil in the machine. Getting lubricants that are custom-made for the machine is imperative for normal operation.

Shamrock Technologies has been in business since 1941 and has created many additives and other products for machinery. They offer top-quality products that will help to ensure that machinery runs correctly and efficiently.

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