Whenever you are moving to a much smaller house, or you need to put your possessions into storage as you settle down, there a few things you need to do. Consider the options for storing for a long or short term.
When searching around for storage Waukesha companies, conduct a background search on the company, ask as many questions as you feel like. Make a tour of the facility and confirm the things you have been told. Do not forget to insure you stuff just in case the storage firm does not have any insurance. Here are other options you can consider.
Rather than paying for storage services, consider storing the items through self-storage. This works best when you are seeking for a short term solution. The charge for such an option is made on a monthly basis. In any case, you want the items stored for a month or two as you settle down. Buy your own padlock and restrict access to yourself or someone you trust. Should you send a friend, you need to call the company and notify them.
For such storage facilities, you are supposed to transport your stuff there, offload and pack it into the space provided. In case you are having difficulties with transport, the company can provide the service at an extra fee. Before signing up the contract, request to be provided with details of what is contained in the rental contract. This includes security, electricity and so on.
Should you be hoping to keep the items away for long periods, container storage is a perfect choice. For this choice, you need to know for how long the items will be stored. If you are moving to another house and the new house is not fully prepared, you can use this option. When going on vacation for long periods of time, you can put always store your stuff in a similar fashion.
The Storage Waukesha Company will dispatch containers to your home. They come with a set of instructions. It is upon you to estimate the number of containers needed. You may ask a company representative to guide you. You need to take an inventory of all your belongings in order to establish which ones you will be keeping in containers.
The company then picks up the containers containing your things and takes then to a storage facility. However, you should ensure that there is very limited access to your belongings. Find out from the company the nature of restrictions that have been put in place. After the expiry of the contracted period, you will be allowed access. You can then pick all your things, renew the contract or enter into a fresh one.