Choosing Between the Many Fibre Optic Internet Providers

by | Jul 9, 2018 | Computer & Internet

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You’ve done your research and know that fibre internet is the right choice for you and your needs. Now, however, you’re tasked with choosing between all the fibre optic internet providers out there. It’s a tough decision that’s made harder because there are seemingly endless choices. If you own a business, the decision is even more essential be ause if you choose incorrectly, you face expensive cancellation fees or staying with someone who can’t help you.

Speed Ranges and Who it’s Best For

Choosing the 15-50Mbps range is likely the most cost-effective choice because it has a slower speed and won’t be considered a high-end option. It can be suitable when your company only has one or two employees and only needs to use it for basic email and web browsing.

The 50-75Mbps range is usually the next highest price range, and it fits well for companies that have five or fewer employees. It also allows you to handle large file transfers and run your POS (point of sale) system. It also allows you to browse the web and handle email.

If you have seven or fewer employees and routinely do data backups or make video calls, you may want to choose the 75-150Mbps range. You can also run your POS system, handle large files and transfers, and run email/browsers.

Those who deal with website hosting or have heavy Wi-Fi traffic may need to consider the higher range, such as 150-500Mbps. Of course, what you do every day can help you decide which option you need, as there is a significant gap between them.


Most fibre optic internet providers also offer other services, such as television and phone service. It can be beneficial to bundle them all together into one price, saving you money and making it easier to understand the bill.

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