In many cases where a couple has difficulty conceiving, it is appropriate to consult a male infertility specialist. Both preexisting health conditions and lifestyle decisions can have a negative impact on men’s sperm counts and cause male infertility in San Antonio TX. Often, once the underlying cause is found a fertility specialist can propose a solution to help.
Many, but by no means all, fertility-related health problems are genetic. Cystic fibrosis, Young’s syndrome, Kallmann syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and Kartagener syndrome are all conditions inherited at birth that can cause infertility in men. Acquired conditions such as diabetes, testicular damage, some sexually transmitted diseases, and even mumps can all cause similar troubles conceiving. The only way to know for sure whether a male partner’s underlying health concerns are a contributing factor to a couple’s inability to conceive is to visit a specialist. He or she will review a patient’s medical history and perform an ejaculate analysis in order to rule out genetic or acquired health concerns as a factor.
For men who do not suffer from any fertility related medical conditions, lifestyle factors can still play a huge role in their ability to conceive children. Anything from drug use and drinking, smoking cigarettes, spending too much time in hot tubs or saunas, and engaging in extreme cycling can cause temporary infertility in men. Those who work in environments where they are regularly exposed to pesticides, heavy metals, or other toxins will also want to consider whether environmental causes are to blame for an inability to conceive.
If a review of both lifestyle choices and medical history does not turn up any answers, blood tests or a physical exam to rule out testicular damage and conditions such as undescended testicles as the cause of infertility may also be required. For those whose male infertility in San Antonio TX remains unexplained after these tests have been completed, a fertility specialist may recommend his or her patient to a urologist. However, for the vast majority of patients treatment through a fertility clinic is enough to resolve the problem and help couples to conceive. Visit for more information about the underlying causes of sterility and temporary infertility in men and potential solutions.