In order to deal with female infertility in San Antonio TX, it’s important to know the common causes of infertility in women. Once the cause of a woman’s infertility is determined, a course of action can be determined if the condition can indeed be corrected. Sadly, there are times when there isn’t anything that modern medicine can do to correct infertility. It’s best to find the truth about a person’s condition so alternative methods to becoming a parent can be explored. A person who has a condition that can’t be treated shouldn’t be duped into trying treatments that are known not to work.
The Fertility Institute of Texas or any other reputable infertility clinic can help diagnose the causes of female infertility in San Antonio TX. When it comes to female infertility, 30 percent of the cases are due to ovulatory disorders. The good news is that 70 percent of these causes can be fixed with modern medicine. Some of the causes of ovulatory disorders are scarred ovaries, hormonal problems, and rare cases of premature menopause. Follicle problems can also cause ovulatory disorders. There is a little explanation as to why eggs can remain inside the follicle without rupturing.
The next cause of infertility that people should know about is a problem with the fallopian tubes. This represents 25 percent of the cases of female infertility. Successful treatment depends on the cause of the problem and the surgical technique used to try to remedy the situation. While some problems and surgical solutions have a success rate of 30 percent, others have rates as high as 65 percent. Tubal damage can happen due to infection, prior surgeries, abdominal diseases, and congenital defects. It’s a good idea for a woman to seek out multiple opinions if surgery is recommended to treat infertility.
Yet another cause of infertility is endometriosis. This is a condition that affects approximately 10 percent of infertile women. Although the condition usually causes symptoms such as premenstrual spotting, painful menstrual cycles, and discharge, there are times when there are no symptoms present. Endometriosis can usually be treated with medicine or surgery. In most cases, doctors will try treating the condition with medicine before recommending surgery.