Physical Therapy

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Why Choose Dry Needling?

If you suffer from muscular pain and stiffness or experience chronic pain, why not consider the procedure known as dry needling? If you have experienced trauma to your musculoskeletal structure, it is a safe and effective option for medication. At the hands of...

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What is physical therapy?

Modern medicine can accomplish wonders. It is now possible to reattach a limb or transplant an entire organ. However wonderful modern medicine is, the patient’s functional restoration is often left to physical therapy in Lafayette. Physical therapy involves the use of...

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Elbow Pain Causes And Treatment

Just like any joint in the body, the elbow is bent and straightened hundreds of times a day, usually without thinking about the movement at all. However, if you have elbow pain in Elgin, then every movement of your arm, wrist, and hand can become an uncomfortable...

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