by | Dec 13, 2011 | Health Care

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Carpal tunnel release surgery cures carpal tunnel syndrome which is due to the compression of the median nerve at the wrist. It leads to pain and weakness in the hand. Swelling in the carpal tunnel can be due to wrist fractures, (rheumatoid arthritis and overuse. The surgery involves one or two small incisions on the palm. Carpal tunnel release surgery can be performed endoscopically to release the pressure on the nerve passing through. After the surgery, the wrist is usually in a splint or heavy bandage for about a week followed by motion exercises or a physiotherapy program.

Carpal tunnel release surgery to relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

The symptoms of carpal tunnel release syndrome usually start gradually. These include frequent burning, tingling, or even numbness in the palm of the hand and the fingers. It is the thumb, the index and middle fingers which get affected primarily. The symptoms often first appear in the night. There may be decreased grip strength that may make it difficult to form a fist or grasp objects. These can be taken care of by the carpal runnel release surgery.

All about the carpal tunnel release surgery

The carpal tunnel release surgery is a common surgical procedure. It is recommended in case the symptoms last for six months. The carpal tunnel release surgery involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist in order to reduce the pressure on the median nerve. This surgery is performed under local anesthesia. There is no overnight hospital stay required. The carpal tunnel release surgery may be open release surgery that consists of making an incision up to two inches in the wrist. Then the carpal ligament is cut in order to enlarge the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel release surgery can be endoscopic surgery that allows faster functional recovery and lesser postoperative discomfort as compared to open release surgery.

Convalescence and Recovery after carpal tunnel release surgery

The carpal tunnel release surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. Complete recovery takes several weeks to a year as it depends on the severity of damage to the nerve. In order to reduce wrist motion, a splint may be used for the first few days after surgery. Motion can not be delayed for too long as the wrist may become stiff. Hence physiotherapy should be started as soon as possible after the surgery. There may be some infection or swelling on the scar which is not risky.

Even though the symptoms may be relieved immediately after carpal tunnel release surgery, full recovery can take months. Occasionally the wrist may even lose strength after surgery as the carpal ligament is cut. Patients must undergo physical therapy after carpal tunnel release surgery in order to restore wrist strength.

The risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome is not confined to people in any particular industry. In order to find one of the best places in Las Vegas for carpal tunnel release surgery, you must check out

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