If you want to promote your business and draw customers to your location immediately, you need to use signs. Signs make it possible for you to receive immediate recognition. Plus, this form of advertising leads to almost instant recognition locally.
An Ideal Way to Attract Business
Locally, business signs in Arlington, VA give you a competitive edge, which will help you realize an increase in your bottom line. Research shows that signs are effective in drawing new customers to the door of your office or commercial establishment – customers who would have otherwise driven right by.
Significant Statistical Data
According to studies, signage outside a business draws about 50% of customers while word-of-mouth referrals attract about 33% of customers. Using advertising in the newspaper will help you attract 9% of customers, while using the yellow pages, TV, and radio can increase your customer base by 1% each.
Magnetic Promotional Tools
In fact, studies show that business signs attract about 35% of new customers. Research further supports the use of signage, if you look at the number of people who visit a business based on signage alone. So, if you want to hang out a banner or sign, you may as well as consider it your official notation that you are a bonafide business.
Make Sure Your Business Name Is Clearly Presented
When selecting business signs, you want to make sure that they are colorful, and that they neatly and cleanly display the lettering of your business’s name. Never post a sign that looks too cluttered in appearance. You want the people who read your message or business name to clearly recognize the print.
Since research suggests signs are a great way to attract business, you want to make sure your signage is also memorable. Therefore, make sure you team up with a company such as website online to ensure the best return on your investment.