Best Reasons To Switch To VOIP in Hawaii

by | Nov 16, 2016 | General

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While VOIP isn’t exactly a new technology, there are still many who are hesitant to try it for their businesses. When it comes to VOIP in Hawaii, there is absolutely no reason to not switch. It has a high rate of customer satisfaction, and the technology is proven and very stable. Here are some great reasons to switch right now.

  • VOIP is extremely mobile. Most companies offer their customers the ability to bring the service anywhere in the world. All that is needed is high-speed internet and the VOIP adapter. There are even smartphone apps that can provide all the advantages of the VOIP service right through the client’s smartphone.
  • VOIP has been heralded for its inherent convenience. Phone calls are made in essentially the same way as a traditional phone call, so there is no awkward adjustment period. All call data can be monitored via the admin interface, along with a slew of other options including bill management and voicemail retrieval.
  • Customers are offered free calling features that many traditional phone companies charge for, including voicemail, conference calling, call forwarding and many others. Subscribers to the service of VOIP in Hawaii are able to have their voicemails emailed to them. Virtual numbers are available to give to friends and family to call, thereby avoiding any long-distance calling charges. Some VOIP plans even allow for syncing with their Outlook or other email accounts for one-click calling potential.
  • VOIP is much cheaper than traditional telephone calling plans. In recent studies, subscribers have reported an average of $50 savings per month over their traditional telephone line. That is hundreds of dollars of savings on an annual basis, which is great for the bottom line of any business.
    International calls are also much cheaper than when using a traditional calling plan. Some subscribers report paying as little as three cents a minute for international calls.

Contact an established company, such as to inquire about what is best for the needs of the business. They can help to guide the business owner to the most beneficial plan and offer customer support if the client is unfamiliar with how to get started or set-up.

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