Be More Than Aware About Breast Cancer; Be Active!

by | Nov 6, 2014 | Cancer Treatment Center

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Most women are aware that breast cancer could be a possibility for them. Events like Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October have helped raise awareness about breast cancer. However, breast cancer is not a disease that you can just be aware of, you also need to be on the lookout for breast cancer. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer or if your family is prone to breast cancer, you should see a Hematologist in Dodge City KS.

Self Checks

All women can perform self checks on themselves in order to spot breast cancer early. During a self-exam, you check your breast for any changes. You can do this in the mirror, in the shower, or when you are lying down.

If you choose to do it in the mirror, here is what you will have to do. To start with, you want to keep your hands relaxed at your side. Then, you want to visually inspect yourself for any changes in size, shape, or position of your breasts. You will want to really look for any changes to the color of your skin. Keep an eye out as well for any signs of dimpling, sores or discoloration. These are not good signs. Be sure to also check your breasts by turning from side to side. After that, check your breast by tightening your chest muscles. Finally, put your hands behind your head and inspect your breast all around again. If you see anything unusually, go see a Hematologist in Dodge City KS.

Genetic Tests

If breast cancer runs in your family, you can do even more than just simple self checks every month. You can actually be scanned for breast cancer using your DNA. This technology continues to improve and becomes more affordable every year.

Make sure that, as a woman, you are not just aware of breast cancer, but that you are actively looking out for it. Perform self checks on your breasts every month. If your family is at risk for breast cancer, you can look into genetic screening. Find out more about cancer diagnostics and care when you visit the Business Name on Google+.

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