An Illinois Commercial Truck Driving School Gets Students Ready to Become Professional Drivers

by | May 23, 2017 | Driving Schools

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Completing training at an Illinois Commercial Truck Driving School is an ideal way to qualify for commercial driver’s license (CDL) testing. During training, students learn the information they need to complete the written exam and also gain plenty of practice behind the wheel so they can pass the road test. One aspect of training involves learning strategies to prevent accidents while driving a commercial truck. Because the students already have experience driving passenger cars, they’re familiar with the basics. Handling a delivery truck, dump truck, or big rig requires greater skills in handling and maneuvering.

For various reasons, the percentage rate for accidents involving commercial trucks is significantly lower than that for passenger vehicles, taking into account the fewer number of commercial trucks on the road compared with the smaller vehicles. Professional drivers are highly skilled and trained to be exceptionally cautious behind the wheel. In fact, statistics shows that more than 80 percent of accidents involving commercial vehicles are caused by drivers of passenger vehicles. One reason for this remarkable indication of safe driving behavior is the completion of coursework at a facility like an Illinois Commercial Truck Driving School.

Truck drivers sometimes get a bad rap, with the general public assuming these individuals travel too fast and become aggressive on the road while trying to make deliveries on time. They’ve heard that fatigue is a problem. Nevertheless, commercial truck collisions are relatively uncommon and are decreasing as technology improves and regulations become stricter. Federal laws have gone into effect requiring all semi trucks to contain electronic monitoring equipment that logs driver hours. Previously, over-the-road truckers were able to make fictional entries in their logbooks and put in more hours than they should have.

In a training facility such as Star Truck Driving School, students learn the relevant regulations for commercial driving and how to safely maneuver the vehicle and avoid collisions. Visit the website Website for information on this particular organization and to view the programs and schedules. Students can expect 160 hours of professional driver training, and at least 200 if they plan to acquire a job in the Chicago metro area.

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