Always Pick The Best Tents For A Great Experience Camping in Cedar City Utah

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Business

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With the warmer weather spring and summer brings, the plans for camping start to manifest in the minds of families. They start picking out the places that they want to camp at with the best tents for camping. Some families will bring big tents that can sleep the entire family and one or more smaller tents for storing their other camping supplies. When camping in the spring, there is a chance that the campers will endure spring showers. Planning for this, the best tents for camping should be made of highly water resistant materials.

If you camp in a location that has some strong winds, you will want to pick tents of a material that can keep those winds out. This way when the winds come up, all you have to do is slip inside your tent to keep warm. The materials in this kind of tent will also be fire resistant. Even so, you will want to play it safe and pitch your tent at least 4 to 6 feet back from where you plan to build your fire.

Most campers like to have the experience of a true campfire, so they learn how to build one safely when in a wooded area. The best way is to hallow out a fire site a foot or two below ground level. Next lay rocks all the way around your fire pit and clear all debris a few feet back. The smart campers will bring some kind of grate to lay over the fire, balanced on the surrounding rocks. If you camp near a pond, lake or river, you will want to set up your camp site at least 10 feet back from the water’s edge.

Camping in Cedar City, Utah is lots of fun and is a great way for a family to spend time together, as long as they plan for camp safety. Some families like to camp where they can go fishing, while others like to pick spots where they can go hiking in the woodland. Having good tents, plenty of food and a means to cook it, as well as the proper clothing will make the camping experience a lot of fun. Take the right camping gear and plan for camp safety and you can make plans for a really great camping experience with the family and any friends you might want to bring with you.

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