Working in areas of the country where rock is a problem when building or opening up land is always an issue. Traditional types of post hole diggers, including commercial types of augers, are only able to pick up smaller rocks and move them up and out of the hole.
For areas of the country where there are rock slabs or even for fencing or developing in mountainous areas, fencing drills that are able to drill into rock are a critical component to add to your equipment inventory.
Commercial fencing companies, demolition companies, mining operations, construction companies and even landscaping companies offering fencing services need to consider the advantage of this piece of equipment. While it may not be something you use every day, it can make a complicated job very simple and also can give you an edge in taking on projects the competition won’t have the ability to tackle.
What to Consider
When considering any type of fencing drills to handle rock, the first consideration should be in the size of the typical hole you will want to drill. Fencing companies and construction companies will typically require a small overall hole while a mining company or a demolition company may need to move a lot more rock.
Hydraulic systems are always highly recommended. They provide a lot of torque and power with a relatively small and lightweight type of drill. They are also very durable systems requiring just a limited amount of maintenance.
Control of these rock drills is very easy, typically utilizing a joystick. This is an intuitive use type of control that anyone with experience with heavy equipment will quickly master. There are also manually controlled types of rock drills that can be used for fencing. These manually operated drills are designed for the smaller hole requirements while the rig mounted options can drill larger holes and in both a vertical as well as horizontal orientation.
Important Features
Look for a rotary head in the fencing drills under consideration. These systems should also have a flushing mechanism to literally force the rock chips and debris out of the hole. If the debris from the drilling is not removed, it can damage the drill as well as the bit. Flushing using air or water, depending on the type of rock, will eliminate this problem and extend the life of the equipment.