Every year hundreds of thousands of people are in dire need of Medicaid, the federal program that helps people with limited income and other resources. But often when they apply for Medicaid a rude response is the result. “You are not eligible for Medicaid because your income is too large.”
That comes as a shock to many who are barely getting by as it is. Qualification vary from state to state, but some states, such as Florida, have extremely strict guidelines. A person who is earning just one dollar over the prescribed limit will be denied.
The solution is something called a QIT. That stands for Qualified Income Trust. A QIT is leveraged to deposit income each month into a restricted funds account. That means the money can only be used for very specific uses. For thousands of Florida residents, that means paying for nursing home or elder care.
A QIT solves a huge problem because now excess income is not counted toward the Medicaid income limit, solving the eligibility conundrum.
Working with a QIT is strictly the realm of an attorney who specializes in family will issues. A person seeking a good attorney to handle a QIT in St. Petersburg might conduct an internet search on, say, “Family Will Lawyer St Petersburg FL.”
This, in turn, will produce a kind of embarrassment of riches. The number of legal practitioners seeking clients in the family will sector are numerous, especially in Florida where the senior population is large. So, the next stage in the process is vetting the possibilities.
Word-of-mouth testimonials from a trusted friend are a good way to augment that family will lawyer St Petersburg FL vetting process. Getting a recommendation from someone you know and trust is often the key to finding the help you need with a QIT.
For more information on Family Will Lawyer, contact through their website today!