There is nothing like the sinking feeling of seeing your ‘check engine’ light come on. That little light could represent hundreds or thousands of dollars in car repairs and could lead to serious stress. If your car is a lease car and you have a dealership arrangement for a free check-up test you can relax in the knowledge that you won’t have to pay a fortune, but if you own the car you could be in for a nasty shock.
The previously known term for the ‘check engine’ light was the ‘Malfunction Indication Light’ but no matter how it is phrased it still puts many people into conniption fits of fear. The light should only come on if there is a serious problem with your engine, but some cars will actually display the ‘check engine’ light if there is a problem with a fuse, a bulb or something very small in inexpensive to fix.
Either way, the light should not be ignored when it does come on. Clearly the diagnostic codes of the car are trying to tell you something and you should take your car to a mechanic straight away or at the earliest possible moment. Because the light is supposed to monitor your cars performance on a continuous basis it is meant to give you a general idea of the health of your car. According to some reports, the ‘check engine’ light can be activated if the gas cap is loose, so if the light does come on, check that before you head to the mechanic or dealership. It could be the simplest of problems that can easily be fixed before you panic.
Why is it On?
Other reasons why your ‘check engine’ light may come on could be caused by the imminent failure of your catalytic converter, but you may detect that failure sooner by the smell that emits from it. The fuel injector system can also experience a problem that could activate the light, as can the failure of a spark plug, seriously low oil in your engine or the o2 sensor. If you have a problem with your check engine light Fargo ND you can be sure you have one place you can take it to to get an honest diagnostic and that’s Certified Auto Repair.
A cracked spark plug can prevent your car from starting, simply because the engine needs to fire on all cylinders before it can start up. Your ‘check engine’ light may come on to indicate that a spark is loose, cracked or damp, in which case it will need replacing or tightening. Your HT leads-high tension leads-that attach the spark plugs to your engine can also become damaged and that may also lead to the ‘check engine’ light coming on.
For professional check engine light in Fargo ND click or call Certified Auto Repair for a price quote and list of services available.