Doing Your Homework: How to Avoid Biased Media Sources in the American News

by | Nov 3, 2022 | News & Society

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American politics have become extremely polarized in recent years, and media outlets often have agendas that they don’t tell their viewers. You’ll need to be careful with your media consumption to avoid things like clickbait, misinformation, and slanted news reporting. Here are just a few tips for staying central with the news.

1. Confirm Their Sources

Where is the article getting its information? Some media outlets will share rumors and other unsubstantiated reports from places like social media, and they won’t even disclaim that their “sources” are nobodies on the Internet. Always check and see where information is originating and where it’s traveled to get to you.

2. Examine Their Bias

Whether they’re liberal or conservative, media outlets are always going to present news in a way that puts them, their values, and their opinions in the best light. You’ll need a media bias check to ensure that you aren’t blindly believing the party line about whatever issue that you’re researching.

3. Keep Checking Back

Once you find a news source that you can trust, your job still isn’t over. News sources can change over time: acquiring new sponsors, using more censorship, or starting to slide or lean in a new political direction. Don’t trust them forever just because you trust them today.

These are just a few tips for avoiding biases and agendas in your consumption of the news. To learn more, including how to spot a fake, try looking at a site like Media Bias Check at

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