Best Tips for Teeth Whitening Dentist in Hemet

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Dental Health

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When it comes to keeping your teeth white, people are guilty of using the do it yourself tooth whitening kits. Individuals rely on cleansing artificial surfaces, applying strips, and using a one size fits all tray. Today, doctors who specialize in Cosmetic Dentistry offer plenty of options for whitening teeth without feeling any sensitivity. Patients find teeth stain from a number of factors such as drinking sodas, coffee, aging, smoking, and a build-up of food.

Artificial Surfaces

Whitening treatments work on teeth that are natural. This option does not whiten artificial surfaces such as veneers, implants, fillings, and crowns. If someone has gum disease or cavities, this person should discuss these issues with a professional at David May, DDS before receiving a teeth whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening Strips

Whitening strips offer a hassle-free way to brighten a smile. Keep in mind, this procedure does not show immediate results. Instructions for how to apply these strips depend on the range of concentration from a bleach solution. Stop using the strips once you become satisfied.

Teeth Whitening Trays

All in one tray are another technique to whiten teeth. The solution combines peroxide and a gel to put around the teeth for at least a half an hour. People see results within three days. However, over-the-counter tray packages touch all the teeth. On the other hand, the one-size-fits-all trays bleach unevenly leaving the teeth to become sensitive. The stronger the product, the better the results.

Teeth Whitening

The first few days following a whitening procedure, a person drinks beverages that are clear. Teeth are more susceptible to absorbing colors from liquids. If the coloring of your teeth makes you feel uncomfortable, then a person should schedule an appointment to visit a Teeth Whitening Dentist in Hemet.

Final Thoughts

Everybody wants a gleaming white smile. A person gets their teeth cleaned twice a year to avoid discoloration. The do it yourself over-the-counter systems are not as nearly effective as visiting a dentist. Before undergoing any teeth whitening procedure, a customer is aware of the benefits, follows instructions, and receives advice from a dentist.

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