The terrifying true story of a teenaged Jewish survivor of Hitler’s death camps in Germany and other countries has a noble purpose to educate the world on this serious subject. At the same time, this is one of the best Auschwitz survivor books that also conveys the hopes and dreams of those impoverished and traumatized victims who lived and succeeded in spite of it all.
An Incredible Biography of a Humble Teenage Survivor of Auschwitz
Life took a dark turn for the hero in this true story about surviving the deplorable conditions and hate in Hitler’s Nazi death camp notorious for its cruel guards and austere living conditions. If you read nothing else about this horrific time period during the second world war, this is the one to choose among Auschwitz survivor books. Watch how the humble teenage survivor overcomes evil with heartfelt hope and a dream for a better life in America.
This Book Tells the World Some Horrific Acts of War Are Evil
The main character in this tale goes on to live a successful life working on Wall Street years after arriving in this country as a penniless teen without any experience in a career or a trade to bolster his chances. This story reminds every world citizen that some horrific acts of war are evil and should never be forgotten or repeated.
Learn How This Book Remains to Inspire Others in Dire Circumstances
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