Many Families Still Prefer a Formal, Traditional Funeral Service in Trenton MI

by | Nov 11, 2019 | Funeral Services

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A strong trend has been occurring for many years in regard to services for the deceased. Families increasingly choose to have loved ones cremated and hold a memorial service afterward. The memorial service is relatively casual compared with a full funeral and the entire process costs significantly less. Nevertheless, many families still prefer to have a more formal, Traditional Funeral Service in Trenton MI to honor their deceased loved one.


A Traditional Funeral Service in Trenton MI is likely to be more personalized now than was true with generations before the baby boomers. These men and women, most of them now in their senior years, have more often chosen to highlight their loved one’s favorite pastimes, hobbies and interests. Photo display boards and videos have become the norm at both memorial services and funerals.

Gifts of Flowers

These families welcome gifts of flowers to be placed around the room. They appreciate the various floral scents and range of colors. This seems like part of a fitting tribute to the person they have lost. The families respect tradition, perhaps remembering a funeral from long ago held for a beloved grandparent. They want to create the same atmosphere for a parent or sibling who has recently passed away.

The Option of Cremation

The immediate relatives still have the option of cremation after the funeral showing. They want everyone to have a true sense of closure by seeing the person in the casket, but that doesn’t require burial. A removable lining can be placed in a casket so the family does not have to purchase it. They only pay for its use. Cremated remains can be buried in an urn in a cemetery if the family wants to visit there frequently and pay their respects.

Deciding on Burial

Of course, clients of an organization such as Martenson Family of Funeral Homes also may want full burial with the casket as part of the tradition they prefer. This may match better with their religious beliefs, as some faiths discourage or even forbid cremation. In fact, their loved one may have prearranged all of the details with this organization beforehand.

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